
Tuesday, June 22, 2010

PT Graduation

P.T. Graduation! Yesssssssssssss..........! No cap and ceremony...but I did get a nifty t-shirt!

Yesterday was my last PT session! It has been tremendously helpful, but I am glad that I will no longer be accumulating a HUGE balance or spending the 4-6 hours a week at the PT office! Overall, I would recommend Innovative Spine Rehab and my PT, Darby, to anyone that cares! I hope that I don't have to go back (meaning, I hope I'm not in a position to need it again), but it is nice to know that I can if I need to. It was actually kind of sad to leave...after seeing the gang twice a week for 3 months....I am so grateful for all they have done to help me get back to exercising and running again! I will continue my exercises at home, as close to every other day as possible. If that's what I gotta do, I'll do it!

1 comment:

OK Chick said...

2 a week for 3 months is a lot of togetherness. :)
Congrats on being done.